Officer Camp

Join us for our intensive dance and social officer leadership camp. It’s an uplifting leadership camp experience that will expand your focus. Your officers will learn to apply the true qualities of leadership to their abilities. Add to this great officer camp dance material and you have a winning combination! It’s a positive experience for your officers in a low competitive atmosphere. Officers work towards achieving three, four, and five star officer standing by completing projects and being awarded additional recognition.

Line Camp

Your team will go home with up to 20 exciting, original routines featuring a variety of kick, hip hop, jazz, prop, novelty, military, lyrical, modern, contemporary, and pom routines. The choreography is fresh and interesting, the result of many hours of staff time spent in preparation and fine tuning. Routines are taught to new band arrangements, and many are taught to popular songs.

Private Camp

ShowTime International proudly offers you the finest in private camp instruction. Whether your needs include customizing, economizing, or working around a particular date you need, ShowTime can deliver! Not only will you receive the special routines you request, ShowTime includes you in Allstar Trips, Bowl Game Performances, and all of the advantages of working with a company that considers you to be its #1 asset. Consider the advantages of a ShowTime Private Camp.


May 31-June 1

Dallas Dance/Social Officer Camp


Hilton Richardson Dallas
701 E. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX

May 31-June 1

Premium Custom Line Camp

Hilton Richardson Dallas
701 E. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX

June 5-7

Valley Dance/Social Officer Camp

Robert Vela HS 

801 E. Canton Rd.

Edinburg, TX  

June 8-10

Valley Line Camp

Robert Vela HS 

801 E. Canton Rd.

Edinburg, TX  

June 11-13

Corpus Christi Line Camp

Alice HS

#1 Coyote Trail

Allice, TX

June 16-18

San Antonio Line Camp

Highlands HS

3118 Elgin Ave.

San Antonio, TX

June 24

New Braunfels One Day Officer Leadership Camp

New Braunfels MS

608 Settlers Crossing

New Braunfels, TX

June 25

New Braunfels Beginner Dance/Pep Squad Camp

New Braunfels MS

608 Settlers Crossing

New Braunfels, TX

June 26-27

New Braunfels Line Camp

New Braunfels MS

608 Settlers Crossing

New Braunfels, TX

June 26

Corpus Christi One Day Officer Leadership Camp

Tuloso-Midway HS

2653 McKinzie Rd.

Corpus Christi, TX

July 9-11

Dallas Line Camp

Hilton Richardson Dallas
701 E. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX

July 9-11

Premium Custom Line Camp

Hilton Richardson Dallas
701 E. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX

July 17-19

McAllen MS & Elementary Line Camp

Nikki Rowe HS

2101 North Ware Rd.

McAllen, TX  


INSTRUCTORS: Without a doubt the best instructors teach for Showtime. Many have been drill team directors and all of them have had years of dance/drill team experience in choreography, teaching, and performing. They are from the Kilgore Rangerettes, Tyler Apache Belles, Trinity Valley Cardettes, Navarro Showstoppers, SWTSU Strutters, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, SMU Pom Squad, Texas Tech Pom Squad, UT Pom Squad, SFA Pom Squad, NTSU Dance Team, Blinn Treasures, NESLU High Tech Dancers, OCU Dance Company, UT Dance Company, Houston Texan Cheerleaders, and owners of dance studios – a variety with vision! You will find their routines ready to be used, with very little need for adaptation and “cleaning up.” Instructors have their own styles, and you are sure to find what your team needs and wants. Every year Showtime receives countless praises on the skillful teaching, talented dancing, enthusiasm, and friendliness of our instructors, who are dedicated to making your week exactly what you expect!


ROUTINES: Premium camp Teams can Choose from the ShowTime camp routine list or custom routines(up to 4 routines). Teams must have a minimum of 25 dancers in attendance. Teams will learn 6 additional routines taught during breakout sessions. Cost is included.


FEATURES: A special stretching session, featuring beginning through advanced stretches, showmanship, beginning through advanced technique classes, high kick technique, team building activities.


HOME ROUTINE: Home routine competition is required at line camps and officer camps. We encourage directors to enter all of their girls in a Home Routine as it helps the girls prepare for learning at camp and is not counted into the final award. It is a separate award. Home routine evaluation is held on the first morning.


WHAT TO BRING: Practice clothes, uniform, music player with batteries, notebook, pen, shoes, poms and props. Please see the What to Bring list in the Confirmation Packet at the top of the camp page.


ENROLLMENT: Is limited at each camp site, so please register now to assure your team a place at your first choice of Showtime camp dates. Deposits may be submitted at any time before May 31. Payments in full must be received in the Showtime office three weeks before the camp begins. Just fill out the online registration form. Late registrations are accepted if space is available.


INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM AWARDS: Several outstanding dancers are selected “Miss/Mr. ShowTime” based on their performance of the routines taught at camp.Other individual awards include: Miss Highkick, Spark Plug, Miss Leaps or Turns, etc. may be awarded.


EVALUATION: Ribbon evaluation is held on the third day of camp, with the instructor for each class awarding blue, red, white and green ribbons to each girl. A final team evaluation is held on the third day of camp.


ALLSTARS: Auditions for the “Showtime Allstars” are held at each camp. Allstars have opportunities to take special trips and present special performances in recognition of their extra talent and ability. The Allstar Team performed at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, the Independence Bowl, the Liberty Bowl, the San Antonio Allstar Thanksgiving Trip, the Hall of Fame Bowl, the Fiesta Flambeau Parade, the Holiday Bowl, the Alamo Bowl, the Fed Ex Orange Bowl, the Jeep Aloha Bowl, the Citrus Bowl,the Cotton Bowl, and the Capital One Bowl, etc!


INFORMATION: Inquiries should be directed to Showtime International, P. O. Box 4200, Lago Vista, Texas 78645. (512) 267-7105. Fax (512) 267-4569. 1-800-PRO-KICK. Please do not bring any valuables to camp as Showtime cannot be responsible for them. Every team and officer group must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.


COST: See Fee Schedule. Fee includes $25 for camp supplies that become property of the school (instructional materials, awards, handbooks, etc.)


OFFICER LEADERSHIP CAMP: It takes leaders to teach leaders, and that’s what you’ll find at Showtime’s super officer camps — former captains, officers, and directors teaching your officers “hands-on” training in choreography, charting music, motivation, self-evaluation, organizing, goal setting, voice control, confidence, commanding authority, working with the band, public relations, etiquette, criticism, how to teach, polishing, perfecting, time management, procrastination, discipline, and more! Team Building Activities, plus flashy routines to take home to your team! Time after time we hear the results — directors tell us the camp “really made them begin acting like officers, taking charge, and showing the confidence they need to lead the team.”


INSTRUCTORS: Without a doubt the best instructors teach for Showtime. Many have been drill team directors and all of them have had years of dance/drill team experience in choreography, teaching, and performing. They are from the Kilgore Rangerettes, Tyler Apache Belles, Trinity Valley Cardettes, Navarro Showstoppers, SWTSU Strutters, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, SMU Pom Squad, Texas Tech Pom Squad, UT Pom Squad, SFA Pom Squad, NTSU Dance Team, Blinn Treasures, NESLU High Tech Dancers, OCU Dance Company, UT Dance Company, Houston Texan Cheerleaders, and owners of dance studios – a variety with vision! You will find their routines ready to be used, with very little need for adaptation and “cleaning up.” Each instructor has her own style, and you are sure to find what your team needs and wants. Every year Showtime receives countless praises on the skillful teaching, talented dancing, enthusiasm, and friendliness of our instructors, who are dedicated to making your week exactly what you expect!


HOME ROUTINE: A home routine of approximately two minutes is required for dance officers who want to be eligible for top awards at officer camp.


MEALS: Commuter officer camps do not include meals. Box lunches may be offered by the host school.


WHAT TO BRING: Practice clothes, uniform, Music player with batteries, notebook, pen, dance shoes, poms and props. See the complete list of what to bring in the online confirmation package.


ENROLLMENT: Is limited at each camp site, so please make your reservations now to assure your team a place at your first choice of Showtime camp dates. Deposits may be submitted at any time before May 15. Payments in full must be received in the Showtime office three weeks before the camp begins. No exceptions. Just fill out the online registration form and submit it in right away. Late registrations are accepted if space is available.


EVALUATION AND AWARDS: 3-4-5 Star Awards, Most Admired, Staff Award. Supreme Award to the highest home routine, Choreography Evaluation and Final Evaluation. No individual awards.


INFORMATION: Inquiries should be directed to, Showtime International, P. O. Box 4200, Lago Vista, Texas 78645. (512) 267-7105. Fax (512) 267-4569. 1-800-PRO-KICK. Please do not bring any valuables to camp as Showtime cannot be responsible for them. Every team and officer group must be accompanied by an adult chaperone. If your team is unable to send a chaperone, contact the Showtime office for arrangements.


COST: See Fee Schedule. Fee includes $20 for camp supplies that become property of the school (trophies, cassette tapes, handbooks, etc.)


LINE CAMP ROUTINES: Your team will go home with up to 20 exciting, original routines featuring a variety of kick, hip hop, jazz, prop, novelty, military, lyrical, modern, and pom routines. What you won’t see in the Showtime International camp curriculum are routines that all look alike and can’t be used, causing you to waste your time choreographing your routines. The choreography is fresh and interesting, the result of many hours of staff time spent in preparation and fine-tuning. Routines are taught to new band arrangements, and many are taught to popular songs. A schedule will be posted on our website and notes are available online also.


INSTRUCTORS: Without a doubt the best instructors teach for Showtime. Many have been drill team directors and all of them have had years of dance/drill team experience in choreography, teaching, and performing. They are from the Kilgore Rangerettes, Tyler Apache Belles, Trinity Valley Cardettes, Navarro Showstoppers, SWTSU Strutters, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, SMU Pom Squad, Texas Tech Pom Squad, UT Pom Squad, SFA Pom Squad, NTSU Dance Team, Blinn Treasures, NESLU High Tech Dancers, OCU Dance Company, UT Dance Company, Houston Texan Cheerleaders, and owners of dance studios – a variety with vision! You will find their routines ready to be used, with very little need for adaptation and “cleaning up.” Instructors have their own styles, and you are sure to find what your team needs and wants. Every year Showtime receives countless praises on the skillful teaching, talented dancing, enthusiasm, and friendliness of our instructors, who are dedicated to making your week exactly what you expect!


CUSTOM ROUTINES: Teams who would like to have routines choreographed exclusively for them may request custom routines at any of our line camp locations. In addition to learning the first day’s camp dances, extra routines are choreographed especially for your team to the music of your choice. Minimum of 30 girls in attendance. Music selection and choice of routines are required by April 15. Extra fees will apply.


FEATURES: A special stretching session, featuring beginning through advanced stretches; tips on polishing and perfecting routines; showmanship, beginning through advanced technique classes, high kick technique, team building activities.


HOME ROUTINE: Home routine competition is required at line camps and officer camps. We encourage directors to enter all of their girls in a Home Routine as it helps the girls prepare for learning at camp and is not counted into the final award. It is a separate award. Home routine evaluation is held on the first morning of line and officer camps and the last day of commuter line camps.


WHAT TO BRING: Practice clothes, uniform, music player with batteries, notebook, pen, shoes, camera and film, poms and props. Please see the What to Bring list in the Confirmation Packet at the top of the camp page.


ENROLLMENT: Is limited at each camp site, so please register now to assure your team a place at your first choice of Showtime camp dates. Deposits may be submitted at any time before May 31. Payments in full must be received in the Showtime office three weeks before the camp begins. Just fill out the online registration form. Late registrations are accepted if space is available.


INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM AWARDS: Several outstanding dancers are selected “Miss/Mr. ShowTime” based on their performance of the routines taught at camp.Other individual awards include: Miss Highkick, Spark Plug, Miss Leaps or Turns, etc. Supreme awards are given to the highest scoring Home Routine and Final Evaluation. Team Achievement Plaques.


EVALUATION: Ribbon evaluation is held on the third day of camp, with the instructor for each class awarding blue, red, white and green ribbons to each girl. Final Team evaluation is held on the third day of camp.


Auditions for the “Showtime Allstars” are held at each camp. Allstars have opportunities to take special trips and present special performances in recognition of their extra talent and ability. The Allstar Team performed at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, the Independence Bowl, the Liberty Bowl, the San Antonio Allstar Thanksgiving Trip, the Hall of Fame Bowl, the Fiesta Flambeau Parade, the Holiday Bowl, the Alamo Bowl, the Fed Ex Orange Bowl, the Jeep Aloha Bowl, and the Citrus Bowl, etc!


INFORMATION: Inquiries should be directed to Showtime International, P. O. Box 4200, Lago Vista, Texas 78645. (512) 267-7105. Fax (512) 267-4569. 1-800-PRO-KICK. Please do not bring any valuables to camp as Showtime cannot be responsible for them. Every team and officer group must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.


COST: See Fee Schedule. Fee includes $25 for camp supplies that become property of the school (instructional materials, awards, handbooks, etc.)


LINE CAMP ROUTINES: Your team will go home with up to 20 exciting, original routines featuring a variety of kick, hip hop, jazz, prop, novelty, military, contemporary, lyrical, modern, and pom routines. What you won’t see in the Showtime International camp curriculum are routines that all look alike and can’t be used, causing you to waste your time choreographing your routines. The choreography is fresh and interesting, the result of many hours of staff time spent in preparation and fine-tuning. Routines are taught to new band arrangements and many are taught to popular songs. A schedule will be posted on our website and notes are available online also.

INSTRUCTORS: Without a doubt the best instructors teach for Showtime. Many have been drill team directors and all of them have had years of dance/drill team experience in choreography, teaching, and performing. They are from the Kilgore Rangerettes, Tyler Apache Belles, Trinity Valley Cardettes, Navarro Showstoppers, SWTSU Strutters, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, SMU Pom Squad, Texas Tech Pom Squad, UT Pom Squad, SFA Pom Squad, NTSU Dance Team, Blinn Treasures, NESLU High Tech Dancers, OCU Dance Company, UT Dance Company, Houston Texan Cheerleaders, and owners of dance studios – a variety with vision! You will find their routines ready to be used, with very little need for adaptation and “cleaning up.” Instructors have their own styles, and you are sure to find what your team needs and wants. Every year Showtime receives countless praises on the skillful teaching, talented dancing, enthusiasm, and friendliness of our instructors, who are dedicated to making your week exactly what you expect!


CUSTOM ROUTINES: Teams who would like to have routines choreographed exclusively for them may request custom routines at any of our line camp locations. In addition to learning the first day’s camp dances, extra routines are choreographed especially for your team to the music of your choice. Minimum of 30 girls in attendance. Music selection and choice of routines are required by April 15. Extra fees will apply.


FEATURES: A special stretching session, featuring beginning through advanced stretches; tips on polishing and perfecting routines; showmanship, beginning through advanced technique classes, high kick technique, team building activities.


HOME ROUTINE: Home routine competition is required at line camps and officer camps. We encourage directors to enter all of their girls in a Home Routine as it helps the girls prepare for learning at camp and is not counted into the final award. It is a separate award. Home routine evaluation is held on the first morning.


WHAT TO BRING: Practice clothes, uniform, music player with batteries, notebook, pen, shoes, camera and film, poms and props. Please see the What to Bring list in the Confirmation Packet at the top of the camp page.


ENROLLMENT: Is limited at each camp site, so please register now to assure your team a place at your first choice of Showtime camp dates. Deposits may be submitted at any time before May 31. Payments in full must be received in the Showtime office three weeks before the camp begins. Just fill out the online registration form. Late registrations are accepted if space is available.


INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM AWARDS: Several outstanding dancers are selected “Miss/Mr. ShowTime” based on their performance of the routines taught at camp.Other individual awards include: Miss Highkick, Spark Plug, Miss Leaps or Turns, etc. Supreme awards are given to the highest scoring Home Routine and Final Evaluation. Team Achievement Plaques.


EVALUATION: Ribbon evaluation is held on the third day of camp, with the instructor for each class awarding blue, red, white and green ribbons to each girl. Team evaluation is held on the third day of camp.


ALLSTARS: Auditions for the “Showtime Allstars” are held at each camp. Allstars have opportunities to take special trips and present special performances in recognition of their extra talent and ability. The Allstar Team performed at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, the Independence Bowl, the Liberty Bowl, the San Antonio Allstar Thanksgiving Trip, the Hall of Fame Bowl, the Fiesta Flambeau Parade, the Holiday Bowl, the Alamo Bowl, the Fed Ex Orange Bowl, the Jeep Aloha Bowl, the Citrus Bowl,the Cotton Bowl, and the Capital One Bowl, etc!


INFORMATION: Inquiries should be directed to Showtime International, P. O. Box 4200, Lago Vista, Texas 78645. (512) 267-7105. Fax (512) 267-4569. 1-800-PRO-KICK. Please do not bring any valuables to camp as Showtime cannot be responsible for them. Every team and officer group must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.


COST: See Fee Schedule. Fee includes $25 for camp supplies that become property of the school (instructional materials, awards, handbooks, etc.)


LINE CAMP ROUTINES: Your team will go home with up to 20 exciting, original routines featuring a variety of kick, hip hop, jazz, prop, novelty, military, lyrical, modern, and pom routines. What you won’t see in the Showtime International camp curriculum are routines that all look alike and can’t be used, causing you to waste your time choreographing your routines. The choreography is fresh and interesting, the result of many hours of staff time spent in preparation and fine-tuning. Routines are taught to new band arrangements, and many are taught to popular songs. A schedule will be posted on our website and notes are available online also.


INSTRUCTORS: Without a doubt the best instructors teach for Showtime. Many have been drill team directors and all of them have had years of dance/drill team experience in choreography, teaching, and performing. They are from the Kilgore Rangerettes, Tyler Apache Belles, Trinity Valley Cardettes, Navarro Showstoppers, SWTSU Strutters, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, SMU Pom Squad, Texas Tech Pom Squad, UT Pom Squad, SFA Pom Squad, NTSU Dance Team, Blinn Treasures, NESLU High Tech Dancers, OCU Dance Company, UT Dance Company, Houston Texan Cheerleaders, and owners of dance studios – a variety with vision! You will find their routines ready to be used, with very little need for adaptation and “cleaning up.” Instructors have their own styles, and you are sure to find what your team needs and wants. Every year Showtime receives countless praises on the skillful teaching, talented dancing, enthusiasm, and friendliness of our instructors, who are dedicated to making your week exactly what you expect!


CUSTOM ROUTINES: Teams who would like to have routines choreographed exclusively for them may request custom routines at any of our line camp locations. In addition to learning the first day’s camp dances, extra routines are choreographed especially for your team to the music of your choice. Minimum of 30 girls in attendance. Music selection and choice of routines are required by April 15. Extra fees will apply.


FEATURES: A special stretching session, featuring beginning through advanced stretches; tips on polishing and perfecting routines; showmanship, beginning through advanced technique classes, high kick technique, team building activities.


HOME ROUTINE: Home routine competition is required at line camps and officer camps. We encourage directors to enter all of their girls in a Home Routine as it helps the girls prepare for learning at camp and is not counted into the final award. It is a separate award. Home routine evaluation is held on the first morning of line and officer camps and the last day of commuter line camps.


WHAT TO BRING: Practice clothes, uniform, music player with batteries, notebook, pen, shoes, camera and film, poms and props. Please see the What to Bring list in the Confirmation Packet at the top of the camp page.


ENROLLMENT: Is limited at each camp site, so please register now to assure your team a place at your first choice of Showtime camp dates. Deposits may be submitted at any time before May 31. Payments in full must be received in the Showtime office three weeks before the camp begins. Just fill out the online registration form. Late registrations are accepted if space is available.


INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM AWARDS: Several outstanding dancers are selected “Miss/Mr. ShowTime” based on their performance of the routines taught at camp.Other individual awards include: Miss Highkick, Leadership, Spark Plug, Miss Leaps or Turns, etc may also be awarded. Supreme awards are given to the highest scoring Home Routine and Final Evaluation. Team Achievement Plaques, Staff Award, Most admired.


EVALUATION: Ribbon evaluation is held on the third day of camp, with the instructor for each class awarding blue, red, white and green ribbons to each girl. Final Team evaluation is held on the third day of camp.


ALLSTARS: Auditions for the “Showtime Allstars” are held at each camp. Allstars have opportunities to take special trips and present special performances in recognition of their extra talent and ability. The Allstar Team performed at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, the Independence Bowl, the Liberty Bowl, the San Antonio Allstar Thanksgiving Trip, the Hall of Fame Bowl, the Fiesta Flambeau Parade, the Holiday Bowl, the Alamo Bowl, the Fed Ex Orange Bowl, the Jeep Aloha Bowl, and the Citrus Bowl, etc!


INFORMATION: Inquiries should be directed to Showtime International, P. O. Box 4200, Lago Vista, Texas 78645. (512) 267-7105. Fax (512) 267-4569. 1-800-PRO-KICK. Please do not bring any valuables to camp as Showtime cannot be responsible for them. Every team and officer group must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.


COST: See Fee Schedule. Fee includes $25 for camp supplies that become property of the school (instructional materials, awards, handbooks, etc.)